I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Friday, September 24, 2010

Ive got the magic in me

So i have been trying to get into my College Counseling office for a few days now but apparently ansering a phone and scheduling appointments is really hard work since everytime i call i have to leave a message haa. Not to sound harsh or anything but i am on a deadline people!! lol. Thursday September 30th, i will camp out and get my application in.. Just need to get everything in order. College is going well. Working on My first Midterm Oh Joy :) ha.

Here is a random survey..
What was the highlight of your week?
Getting my CNA renewed. Good till 2012.
Whos car were you in last?
My mothers.
When is the next time you will kiss someone?
Idk. Soon i hope.
What color shirt are you wearing?
White and purple.
Is your hair long enough?
Nope. SO mad i even cut it in the first place lol
Are you good looking?
Idk you tell me!
Last movie you watched?
Hot Chick last night b4 i went to bed
Who were you with?
Just me
Last thing you ate?
I made some toast this morning
Last thing you drank?
When was the last time you had your heart broken?
Oh its been a long time!
Who came over last?
Humm.. Brothers friend?
Are you happy with your life right now?
I will be even more happy when i get my application in :P
What did you say last?
I told my Bro and Sis to have a good day at school
Where is your phone right now>
Right necxt to me on my bed
What color are your eyes?
Are you left handed?
Spell your name with no Vowels.
DO you have any pets?
2! Scruffy and Tom Tom :)
Favorite Vaccation?
Hawaii :)
What do you dislike currently?
Lack of money in my pocket!
What are you currently listening to?
My fan
IF you could have one thing right now what would it be?
A spot in The 2011-2012 Nursing Program
What is your favortie sent?
I love apple Cinnomon air freshener after i clean the kittchen haah
Who makes you happiest?
My love <3
What were you doing at midnight last night?
I think i was on the phone with Adam <3
When is your birthday?
June 9th
Who has the same phone as you?
Not sure.
Last time you went swimming in a pool?
Oh gosh! its been forever
Do you read your horoscope?
IF i am in the mood lol
Where is the last place you bought something?
Walmart more than likely
How do you feel about your hair right now?
Bed Head!! haha
Do you bite your nails?
I used to tilli got into health care lol
now i KNOW whats really under there
Do you have any expensive Jewlery?
I do
Myspace of Facebook?
How fast have you driven a car?
fast enough lol
Have you ever smoked?
pshh in high school cuz i thought it was "cool"
Favorite subject in school?
Does music count
Do you have verizon?
T mobile
what type of guy do you fall for?
well this time around the right kind :)
do you have any hidden talents?
idk if they are really hidden lol
favorite song?
i have a few
do you like to sing?
i do!!
dream job?
where does most your family live?
are you an only child?
do you think your spoiled?
maybe sometimes
have you ever been IN a wedding?
DO you have any children?
DId you take a nap today?
The day just stsarted
Who has the same birthday as you?
My friend Ozzy!!
Ever meet anyone famous before?
Do you want to be famous?
Do you have any pet peevs?
Doesnt eveyone
Are you multi tasking right now?
Not really its to early for that right now haha
Do you like Britney Spears?
Since i was like 8
What is your least favorite chore?
Laundry.. which i have to do today BOO
Last place you went?
the store yesterday
Even been out of the country?
Mexico when i was little
Where were you born?
29 Palms Marine Base
Could you hadle being in the military?
No lol
What is your average phone bill?
Who are you thinking about right now?
My love.
When was the last time you laughed really hard?
Yesterday im sure
How many pairs of shoes do you have?
Enough but there is always room for more hah
Are your toes always painted?
Pretty much
How many percings do you have?
6. 3 in each ear
What are you going to do today?
Clean homework all that fun stuff!
Have you ever been gambling?
Not in a casino
Have you even been to Disney land?
Last thing you cooked?
Eggs this morning
how is the weather?
Nice so far
DO you e-mail
What is the stupidest thing you have done with your phone
lol oh boy
lets just say my phone is a trooper
What staes havde you lived in?
Ca and MO
Do you wish you could move?
oh yes. but have to wait till college is over

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