I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Sunday, September 12, 2010

You know i could use somebody like you

Hello :)
So tomorrow i go and pick up my application. :) yay.
In the mean time here is a random survey! Night all
1. The last time you had your blood drawn?
it has been a long time.
2. What is the most akward thing about being a girl?
Wow. Where to start :)
3. What was the last urge you resisted?
Spending money on stuff i really don't need lol
4. Have you made a life altering decision lately?
Nothing MAJOR... but small ones i guess
5. Do you have a least favorite word?
A few
6. Recommend a funny comedian to me.
Pablo Fransico
7. Do you listen to any band with the number 3 in their name?
8.What made you take this survey?
9. Have you felt strongly for someone you had never met?
A LONGGGGGG time ago.
10. Why do you like the person you like?
Its more like Love :) and its cuz he is amazing.
11. Would you change any mistakes you have made?
Nope. Everything happens for a reason.
12. Where are you exactly right now?
On my bed.
13. Is there anyone you want to be close to right now, but can't?
14. What is the best thing someone has ever called you?
When i was working at the hospital, a patient told me that i was the kindest person they had ever met and that they were so thankful i was there to help them. Made me smile from ear to ear. That right there is why i want to be a nurse.
15. The worst?
16. What color eyes does your father have?
One blue and one brown... Crazy right??
17. Do you use soap or body wash?
Body wash
18. What activity do you wish you could eliminate from your morning routine?
Getting out of bed :p
19. Who was the last person you spoke to?
20. What do you day dream about?
Lots of stuff. School mostly.
21.Do you like kids?
22. Do you want any?
Of course.
23. Are you good at crossword puzzles?
I like to think i am till i look in the back of the book and see i
got like half the puzzle wrong :p lol
24. Would your family OWN at Family Feud?
Pshhhh yes!!
25. What do you love about your family?
You would have to know my family to understand :) haha
26. Do you believe the Holocaust happened?
Um Yes???
27. Describe your voice.
Well at the moment its almost gone.
I have a cold.
28. DO you have a contagious laugh?
Only when i laugh and snort... Dorky i know!!
29. DO you ever find people just pathetic?
I often find peoples ACTIONS pathetic.
30. Is there anyone who brightens your day when you talk to them?
There sure is!
31.Tell me something you find unfair.
There are lots of things that are unfair..
But thats life.
32. Do you feel vulnerable sleeping on your back??
Umm no
33. Does it frustrate you when you have to repeat yourself?
If i am on the phone and have to keep doing it yes
34. When was the lasat time you were on a roof?
Long time ago.
35. Do have any shirts that match the color of your eyes?
Cant say that i do
36. How do you like your eggs?
Sunny side up
37. DO you like snapple?
Yes. The white tea one
38. Do you kiss your pets?
Yea sometimes
39. What was the last thing you sent in the mail?
It was actually stuff for the college.
40. Why were you last in the hospital?
41. Have you ever done time?
42. Would you date anyone who did?
43. Have you ever done hard drugs?
44. How tall is the last person you fancy?
Tall. ha
im way shorter than him
45. How was the weather today?
Really nice actually
46. Do you have any art projects you are working on?
Kinda ya

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