I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Riding solo

This week I have realized that 1. People suck (more than usuall, and Riding solo' seriously is the way to be..) 2. I have survived 8 months of nursing school (lets hope I make it the last 4 without losing my mind completely) and 3. There is nothing a nice glass of ice cold wine can't fix.. Oh Man. What a week. ( I think I say that every week, but let me assure you its a phrase that needs to be said, mainly because each week just keeps getting better and better, SERIOUSLY.. Better and better.. and yes that is me being Sarcastic)
So lets see Just finished my last week of clinical for summer trimester! Woo Hoo! Im super excited to wear something besides purple scrubs and my dorky ID tag.. ( My ID picture is RIDICULOUS)...>.< ... Anywho Clinical this week was interesting. Wednesday, Long story short I didn't go to clinical. Thursday and Friday was the usuall! Really sad that that was our last day at the VA :/ ....I really do love that place! My weekend is uneventful. Have to study for finals Monday and Tuesday! Yuck. But the after that I have three weeks off! :) My brother came home today after being gone for a month! Thats pretty much all thats new in the world of me.. What an exciting life i lead! lol... Have a wonderful weekend
xoxo Aly

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