I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Friday, September 9, 2011

yes my friends...

Yes my friends, I have finished my first week of my last trimester of Nursing school! Woooo Hooooo!!! I'm in the home stretch now! ha. Lets see, Wednesday was our first day back. It was pretty boring. Had orientation at a few places. First at the Child care center on campus then at High desert State prison which is a level 4 prison (Yikes) and then California Correctional Center, which is like a level 1 and 2 basically.. it was an interesting experience.. Interested to see how my time out there will go, i have to go twice to each one so we shall see :) I promise to blog about it. Then Thursday we went to a cute little nursing home about half an hour from home for orientation.. Today I had my first day of actual clinical and I must say I did not miss the purple scrubs at all! Ugh. it was a good day tho. I got to see a lot of cool stuff! Both of my patients I had were really interesting. Such sweethearts. One of my patients had a broken ankle so i got to see the wound after surgery.She has pins and screws and all that jazz in her foot. It was pretty neat-o! My other patient had some interesting stuff as well. I got to see some cool stuff with Wound Vac's, learned some new stuff about traches, suctioning and what not. I got to do my first PPD (TB test), which was kinda neat cuz I had never done one before. That's it really. It was a pretty good day. Now I am home, procrastinating my homework as always *sigh... No care plans for almost a month was amazing :) hehhee.. better get back to work! Enjoy your weekend, I know I will enjoy mine, and let us say a little prayer this weekend as the families affected by 9/11 have a tough weekend ahead of them..
xoxo Aly

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