I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Saturday, September 24, 2011

My bad!

I have not blogged in awhile.. My bad >.<
Lets see I have just been doing the same old stuff :P
Busy with school and paperwork. The past 2 Wednesday's I have been at the child development center on campus playing and watching little kids! I loved it. Kids are the cutest! Then at my other clinical site in Reno, Each week we get another paient added on to the "workload" So it keeps us busy. Love my patients. I have interesting cases. This past week I got to see and do alot. Learned alot about G-tubes and Traches. Wound Vacs as well. I got to do alot of wound care this week with was pretty neat-o! Next week I get to do stuff with traches like suctioning and changing out the cannulas. So i am pretty excited! I think that is the only thing I haven't done yet. Soooo.... MOnday we have a test. Tomorrow is my allday study/cram day. I have been fighing a cold all week ;/ Im hoping to get over it soon. I hate being sick! Ugh! Other than that not a whole lot. Just making it thru day by day :) Blog again next week!
Aly xoxoxo

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