I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Friday, October 1, 2010

I look up to the sky and know the world is mine

So yesterday morning/night was CRAZY! Soooooooo long. I did not know if i was going to make it or not. So where do i begin? hum.. okay. Well
i got to the college at about 10am and i was the 8th person in line. CRAZY!?!? i know. People kept coming and coming. Well there was this one guy who has the second person behind me, and he thought that getting hammered while waiting to turn in his nursing application was a good idea. seriously. So from like 6pm till like 2am we all had to deal with him. people are dumb. Also walking around the college campus till 4 in the morning screaming and smoking tons of weed is apparently the new "cool thing" to do. These guys from the dorms where trying so hard to get the all the girls attention.The looked like idiots. Anywho. At about 2:30am i went inside the building cuz it was WAYYY to cold to sit outside anylonger. I tried sleeping on the floor, but it was SO hard that i couldnt. Lets just say my body is not liking me right now. So sore. I was at the point where i was so tired i couldnt keep my eyes open, yet couldnt sleep cuz the floor and my chair were just not comfy enough.I was so mad lol.

Then at 6am this morning, people who did not campout, showed up and it was a mess. They were starting to line up at the door where you turn your application in, and the rest of the girls and i who had been there for almost 24 hours went alittle crazy. Long sotry short, we got our spots back that we ritefully deserved. Anyways Doors opened at 8am and by that point we were all so tired and sore. Grumpy lol. Ready to be done so we could go home and sleep in beds! hah. I got my application in and man did i feel so much better. Just knowing that in a few short months i will (hopefuly) be doing what i have been waiting for for so long made the whole night worth it. it was not all bad tho. Met some new awesome people. My future class mates! had some fun moments. I also saw the coolest thing!!

It was almost 2:30am, right before i went inside. I was sitting looking up at the stars. Thy sky was so clear and gorgeous last night. So im sitting there and out of the corner of my eye i see something really bright and moving really fast. I look over and its a shooting star. What makes this so amazing?? It was so close you could hear it falling. It was like you could hear the wind hitting it, and you could hear the fire on it. And it was this really pretty blue color. Oh my gosh it was amazing! I had never seen anything like it before. And of course everyone around me was sleeping or inside so i couldnt share the experience with anyone! Thats ok tho. I saw it and it was absolutely gorgeous!

Well thats all really. Just thankful for the opportunity. Thankful for the people who are supporting me! Just have to play waiting game and see what happens :)

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