I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Baby your a firework. C'mon show em what you're worth

Holy Moly Guacamole..
It has been quite some time since i have last wrote!I have that new song from Katy Perry stuck in my head.. The firework song.. Which i heard her sing live and it was SOOOOOO Bad. Seriously.
So this is whats new.
I went to this Workshop thing i had to go to today for student loans.. Which just stresses me out even more cuz i dont think i am going to have enough to pay for the dorms upfront! So that means that i will have to pay throughtout the semester.. soooo... Idk I will work it out cuz its what i want. Anywho in OTHER GREAT news.. I have to have a root canal and my wisdom teeth pulled. Lovely right? *Sigh. I know..Im nervous cuz i have never had dental work done before. But i will happy to have to root canal done cuz my mouth hurts SOOOO bad...
Thanksgiving is soon! I am glad i get to enjoy My Mamas good cooking before my dental work (which is on Dec.1st)... is it just me or is EVERYONE planning weddings and making babies? Maybe. maybe not? Seems like its in water or something. Some people say oh its that age.. When they are all my age..20.. Which i think is a tad young for marriage and babies.. But what ever works right? If your in love then hey. thats cool.
Also the other day... Some A-hole hit the side of the car and did not even leave a note. I guess thats just the world we live in today.. People are just unbelivibly disgusting. I hope my spelling is not bad.. I'm really tired and on pain pills... (not because they feel good. Because my mouth hurts)..

I guess thats all... Night <3

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