I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Monday, December 20, 2010

Any day now...

Any day now I should be getting my letter that tells me I am in (or out). I think im in. About 95% sure I am in. The lady at the admissions office kinda hinted that I was in without actually saying it because she is not allowed to..

sooooooo I wait.....

In other news there is so much snow outside that I think I might actually cry. I hate snow. For those of you who don't know.. I am from the desert.. Where it is warm pretty much all year and when it is cold you can still wear flip flops without your toes freezing to death. I tried wearing flip flops here last winter in lovely Northern Cali. In December. In the Snow. Lets just say my toes hurt for a week. Lets also say that I am not at all coordinated enough to drive in snow or even walk in snow. Better yet even Look st snow!!!!! So I am pretty much secluded to my house even more so in winter. I love how people who do not live in Snow are like ohhh how can you hate snow its so awesome, pretty, fun, blah blah blah... I reply.. When you live in snow it is a very different from being in snow a day or two cuz after you get sick of it you can just go home where its dry and not as freezing!!!!!
You to will hate snow when.....
1. You wake up every morning half frozen.
2. The roads are so slick it feels like your driving on a road covered in butter..
3. You have to Shovel your drive way that is like FOREVER long.
4. You can't leave the house without 25 layers of clothes on, making you look absolutely ridiculous and impossible to even walk in.
5. A ridiculous electric bill... OR if you have a fire place a ridiculous amount of splitting and stacking wood (in the snow)....

The only time snow is okay in my book is on Christmas.. Which this year I am lucky enough to have!

I think im done with my Snow rant. Have a great day :)

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