I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Its official

Its official...

I AM IN!!! I got my letter today saying that I have been accepted into the nursing program at Lassen College.. I thought I was going to cry (tears of joy) When i got my letter.... I just smiled and kicked my feet lol..

It was not till i found out I had less than two weeks to schedule a physical with my doctor that i almost cried.... she had no spots... so I called six other Doctors.. And they had no spots.. I really was starting to panic.. If we do not have the physical done before January 4th.. We cant be in the program. So I was really freaking out at that point... So like 15 minutes ago I called the last Dr I knew of hoping and praying he could get me in and i have an apt tomorrow at 1:30!

I am still not done stressing tho. I have to buy a crap ton of books which will cost me about $800. $800 in the nexty like 3 weeks. $800 I do not have. I also have not heard back from the people in the dorms if i have a dorm or not..... Or the people from the loan office if i have the loan or not...

So pretty much i need 6 grand.. If anyone wants to tell me were i can find a money tree or a magic lamp.. Please do so...

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