I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Good Die Young.....

So I was going to blog about my Vacation, but.... Something way more heavy is weighing on my mind.

Why do horrendous things happen to such amazing people?
I really don't understand.. I know life is unfair, but sometimes its out right horrendous.

A great man was lost yesterday. A loving father. An amazing police officer. Just a great person all the way around.

The crime was horrendous. They way he died was horrendous. And for what? NOTHING.

I'm still in shock. I just don't understand. I layed in bed last night praying to God. Asking why. Because everything I thought of just did not make and sense. I don't think anything will. I prayed that his children find some kind of peace and for him to be with them in this difficult time. I prayed that the disgusting person(s) who did this to him, get what they deserve. I prayed.

I think thats all I have to say..

R.I.P Robert McElrath.... May you find everlasting peace and may your heart of gold continue to shine.

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