I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Baby its cold outside.

So I had Orientation today. It went well...

I am really excited to start actually doing stuff! I think I will make a great nurse :).... Its going to be a looonnnnnggggg year thats for sure.
Soooooo I am in school till April 14th.. Then I go back May 2d till Aug. 19th. Then the last trimester is from Aug 31st till December 13th.

We practice our skills at A few places in Reno like the VA and some other place. The hospital here in town. The nursing home here in town. The prison here in town. And a hospital like 30 min away...

Class in Mondays and Tuesday and then the rest of the week is lab days. So i have weekends free. At least till I find a job.. Which needs to be soon cuz I have alot of crap I need to buy... And not enough money *sigh

Money... seems to be everybodys one problem.. I just need a money tree :)

Well I guess thats it. Other than today being FREEZING ( seriously its only in the 20's) It was a good day.

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