I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Sunday, January 9, 2011

I Survived!

:) It was pretty easy. It was pretty much just review of basic patient care stuff, so it was not bad. Tomorrow we will actually start learning new stuff. Its funny cuz anyone who knows me knows that I am a total Night owl, so waking up at 5:30 every morning has been a challenge to say the least! But a great thing about this new routine, is that I can actually sleep through the night. Good bye insomnia! So i go to class around 8 get home mid afternoon... DO stuff I need to do like laundry, homework,ect.. Then make dinner... shower, get ready for the next day and by like 9:30 or 10 i am just so stinking tired and i crash.. So yay for full nights of sleep!

So this is prety much what this semester looks like.. Monday and Tuesdays we have lecture.. So we just take notes and stuff like that. Then the rest of the week, we practice what we learned in lecture and get tested by the Instructors (and hopefully pass lol)..

This week we learn how to do Assesments on patients.
Then next week we learn how to take vital signs (which mostly everyone in class already knows how to do) and learn how to apply slings and ace wraps.
Week 4: Isolation sterile techniqes and Wet to dry Dressings to the abdomen and extremities.
Week 5: NG tube Insertion and tube feeding
Week 6: Catheter insertion, D/C Caths, and Catheter samples.
Week 7: Learn to Irrigate Catheters
Week 8: D/C IV's, Glucose Monitoring, Remove Staples
Week 9: We start rotations at the hospital practicing skills
Week 10: Trache care , and rotaion
Week 11: Ostomy/ Irrigate Ostomy, and Rotations
Week 12: Enemas/UA/and Stool, Rotaions
Week 13: Oral Medications, Rotaions
Week 14: Injections, Rotaions
Week 15: Practicum, and Rotaions

So that is my first 15 weeks :) I am really excited to start learning new stuff!! Besides everything being WAY expensive, things are going well. I will blog more next week!

<3 Aly

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