I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Friday, January 14, 2011

I've learned to live half alive, now you want me one more time

Week two is done.
I have been trying to get all kinds of financial aid to help pay for this nursing program because it seems every time I turn around there is something i need to fork out money for. So the other day I went to this place ( i will not name names) because they said they could help. Well long story short, they pretty much told me that I make to much money, which I DONT. Im on unemployment that is about to run out and i get like 500 a month and sometimes not even that.. Which is not enough to live on... But because I live with my mom, and am not broke enough to get help Im screwed! To sum it up, I was pretty much told to stop looking for a job (which i am still gonna do) and go on welfare.. Then they could help.

I was upset. Really? I am trying my best to find a job, which I know working and going to school full time is going to KILL me.. (But it is the only way to survive) and your telling me to stop trying and let the state take care of me? Now I know that if I can't find a job that this will have to be what I do, but i refuse to stop trying just because it would be the easy thing to do. IDK. It just really made me realize how gross this world is lol.

Anyways we have a 5 day weekend. Don't have to go back till the 18th. Other than that I have just been putting in lots of study time and packing Eww! We are moving the second week of Feb. There is just not enough time in the day i swear. Well i better get back to the books.

Ill write again next week :)

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