I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm already gone

Week 3: Check.

This week consisted of Pharmacology, Assements, Learning to document in patients charts, Ace wraps, and arm slings.

These last 3 weeks have Flown by! I cant believe next week we will have been in school for a month! Time sure flew by. For some reason this week seemed like it dragged on and on ( even tho it was only a 4 day week). Thats okay. Its Friday, so I get 2 much needed days off.

I have come to realize that I REALLY suck at math. Like REALLY. I think Pharmacology will be my biggest issue this trimester. I hope I catch on quick. I mean you know it is bad when your 14 year old sister has to be your math tutor lol.

On a brighter Note, I feel more official lol. I HAVE A NAME TAG. Picture and all. I had to laugh because of course the day I had to get it done, My hair was CRAZY. I had taken a shower the night before and went to bed with wet hair ( BIG no no). Woke up with wild ass hair, so i thru it up in a pony and pulled my hair back with a headband. Well i had Frizz every which way and ya... And I am stuck with that picture all year. Yay me lol.

I guess thats all really. This weekend I am Studying and Packing. Boo.
Write again Next week <3 Aly.


Not the best Pic... BUT. Can you see how crazy my hair is? lol

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