I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Friday, January 28, 2011

Lovey Dovey

Week 4: Complete.

This week was a good week. We learned how to do sterile gloves and apply sterile dressing changes to the abdomen and other extremities. It was fun :) Good to learn something new and move on from the "refresh stage".

School is really going by so fast! Its crazy. But good. Next week we learn NG tubes i believe.

Also, I have worked everyday AND night on math. I Live math. And i STILL SUCK. I realized today that everyone in my family is really good at math but me. The "Math Gene" Skipped me. Instead I got the "really good at writting papers gene" Which is not very helpful at this point and time.

Other than that just taking it day by day. I'm glad it is Friday. My weekend however consists of LOTS of study time, reading, 5287537530250425726 Flash Cards to make and study, AND Packing. Joy :).

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! Write again next week.

<3 Alyssa xoxox

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