I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Saturday, February 26, 2011

2am blog session....

Its like 2 am and im still awake. Why I dont know. It snowed like crazy here today. Its been snowing for the past week, but super bad today... Which makes me mad cuz I hate the snow. With a Passion. We had class today, even tho the power went out. I was glad to stay tho, becuase we are already behind one day.. Didnt want to make up another.
I must say that the Nursing program is alittle more challenging than I had originally expected it to be. We had our second Pharmacology test this past Tuesday and I failed by 3 points! Can you believe that? I was pretty disappointed. Next week should be interesting. We start Clinicals and working with actual patients! I'm very excited for this. I'm thinking I will be much better at the clinical aspect rather than the theory. It's crazy how fast time is going. It feels like just yesterday that I started. Humm....This week was pretty chill besides the test. Wednesday and Thursday we had Orientation at a few places. One in Reno and two here in town. Next Thursday the group I am in will be at the hospital here in town. Then Today (Technically Yesterday) We learned how to check blood sugars, How to Discontinue an IV , and how to Remove staples .Yup. Thats about it. Aside from feeling bitchy all week, It was good! Other than that not a whole lot. Just taking it one week at a time. Next week We have another test and then Clinicals! I think I should stop blogging and maybe study, I'm sure this will put me to sleep (I hope).

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