I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sparks Fly

Well, It is that time again to write about my week. Crazy how fast time goes. This week was good. We started our first week of Clinicals. I should say first 2 days because we only do clinical twice a week, Thursday and Friday. Anywho, this rotation, my group is at the Hospital. I like it. Thursday we were assigned to a department and just "shadowed" someone. I had Respiratory therapy. I knew the girl who was working that day. (Carrie if you are reading you are awesome!) Got to see some cool stuff. Watched a couple EKG's. Learned about blood gases, Saw a guy having a heart attack, Also got to see Carrie do a Cord gas, which is where you draw blood from an umbilical cord from a new baby. It was really neat. (Really Bloody as well). Then Friday we learned how to chart using their computer system, then the last 2 hours of the day we were assigned a patient and had to do paperwork on them. We learned how to do it all.. Its kinda confusing. At least for me. But I'm sure i will get the hang of it. I ordered my new stethoscope yesterday! :) Its hot pink (of course hehe). It will be nice to have one that ACTUALLY works. The one I have now is crappy. On Monday I have a test so I should tudy more. Also next week we learn how to do something with tracheostomy tubes. I have so much homework this weekend! Feels never ending. I should get back to work now. Thanks for reading :) have a great weekend!

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