I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Friday, March 11, 2011

Bless his Heart...

Before I blog, I would just like to take a moment and acknowledge those who have suffered from the Tsunami and Earthquake! Thank the Good Lord that my family In Crescent City are safe and sound!

Happy Friday! Boy do I love Friday :)...Another week down, time is just flying by.. The next few weeks are exciting! Clinical and school.. But in 2 weeks i get to see the love of my life!! Finally! :D It has been way to long.. School is just so time consuming :/ ANYWAYS!!! I have the next two days to sleep in and do laundry (which is taking over my room) :D This makes me very excited (that i get to sleep in, not so much the laundry part lol) . Anyways this week was amazing.
We actually got to do patient care and interact with people, which is great and I must say its more my style. I'm good with people so I think I did swell :).

Lets see Thursday we got our patients, Did basic patient care, helped the other nurses with whatever they needed. Got to seem some neat stuff! Then today.. We only were there from 6:30 - noon... So we got out a little early..

I must admit there was this one patient (who was not assigned to me, but I helped him out anyways), that really just made my day! Bless his heart, His lost his wife of 52 years, and He just kept reminding me that Life is to short to put things off. He talked about how he wished his wife and him would have taken that boat ride she wanted, and how they should have done all the things they wanted to. Made me realize that life really is that short.. its little things like simple conversations that make you realize what you have and how Precious life truly is.

My patient this week was pregnant :) Which was cool because maternity nursing is something I could totally see myself getting into! Its just so amazing how life is created! All in all it was a pretty fun week. I'm really excited for clinical next week.. I wish we could just skip Theory classes (Pharmacology.. Cough cough).. And just do clinical! I am excited to see how next week plays out, what patient I have, and what cool things I get to see/Do! Hope you all have a very blessed and wonderful weekend

Aly xoxo

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