I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Monday, March 14, 2011


So, I just wanted to post a little tid bit here!
So I know you all have heard and seen the horrible things that Japan has been going through... And I just wanted to share this..

If you go to yahoo.com, on the top there is a button where you can donate to The Relief fund in Japan. I have donated and let me just say 10 dollars can make the difference! (You can donate more if you please :) )
I know that in these hard hard economic times people are scraping by with every last penny, but if you do have the minumum donation amount (which is only 10 bucks) Please donate!

There are thousands and thousands of people with no food, no water, no shelter, no clothes. The weather is at freezing temps and these poor people have no place to go. Sure there are shelters, but there is not enough for EVERYONE, so every penny helps.

So when you are laying in your nice warm bed tonight, with a full tummy, I want to you think about those people in Japan who have lost everything and need your help more now then ever! I know alot of people are thinking, "what do i get out of this", or "how will this benefit me"
Sad to know that that is the kind of world we live in now, but Knowing that you help feed and put warm clothes on people who really need it is a reward in itself dont you think?

Alot of people also think well "why dont we help take care of the starving and homeless people in america too", and this is what I have to say to that.. I do. I donate to anything and everything I can when i can afford it. Always give my spare change, give money to the homeless people i see on the side of the road, pick a child from the angel tree at christmas, donate to feed the children, animal shelters... And let me just say that Its not only america that needs the help, its everyone.. MAN KIND. Just because someone dose not live in the US does not mean that we should turn our backs on the rest of the world..

If You can't donate because you simply cant afford it, I ask that you just pray, Pray that the Good Lord will help these people thru this bad time and that he can help heal they suffering that they are going thru!

Thats all :)
Good night.

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