I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Goodbye Weekend.

So I know I blog on Fridays, but my boyfriend was in town this weekend, SOOOOOOOOOOOOO yea.. You get the picture. It was So nice! I really needed a weekend to just relax and spend time with my love :D My mood and really my whole demeanor for the past few weeks has just been crappy due to lack of sleep and stress! So it was nice to have a pick-me-up :)
Anywho my last week at Banner Hospital was a success :) I got to see and do alot more. I got to put in my first foley chatheter. I think the fact that the guy I did it on was unconscious made it way easier lol. Anywho, he had come in unresponsive, he had overdosed on a few different narcotics. His Respiratory rate in the field was like 4. Those of you who do not know, the "normal" adult Respiratory rate is somewhere from 12-18 a minute. Anywho, I got to see how they treat a critical patient. It was very cool. Friday I had 2 patients. So that was kinda nice. Next week, the group I am in starts doing Clinicals in Reno! I'm kinda nervous, only because its a new place. But I am sure I will do fine.
I am stressing like HARDCORE about Pharmacology. I bombed another test :(... Good news is, our teacher realizes there is a problem with the way things are being done and things are going to change :)
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I know I sure did. I need to get back to studying for Tomorrows test so good night :)

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