I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Friday, April 1, 2011

Nothing to Crazy

It is that time again! Wow time goes by so fast..
Well, there was a change of plans. I was going to go to Reno, but the group I was in, ended up getting split up so I get to stay at the hospital for the rest of the trimester! Which I don't mind at all. I love the hospital. Its fun :).. So now there are two groups, not three..
I am FINALLY passing Pharmacology :D... I just hope I do not fail another test and do well on the Final, otherwise.. >.< yea.
Today I was in the ER again. I lover the ER. I did not get to do much, just took out a couple IVs and then the usual, but thats okay. I learned and got to see alot. had a few patients with chesst pain, abdominal pain, anxiety attack, back injury, a baby with RSV, a man who did not pee for over 24 hours, yup.. I think thats it.. Nothing way crazy. Yesterday tho, my patient had a traumatic pneumothorax (Which is a collapsed lung for those of you who do not know what that that is) which was really neat to research and deal with. He was kicked off his horse and then stepped on! Crazy right...Poor guy. Next week I am hoping I get something cool again. We learned how to pass oral medication this week. Next week we learn how to give injections! :) Although I don't think we get to actually give them till next trimester... Humm.......
The weather has been so stinking nice the past few days!!! Which makes me so happy! It has been so warm. No more snow!! At least I am hoping for that. I guess that is all for now. I have a lot of homework to do :/ Boo!
Have a wonderful weekend!!

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