I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Friday, April 8, 2011

Almost Done!

So Next week is the last week of the trimester!! YAY!
This also means next week is finals week :/ Boo!
This week was okay. Wednesday we learned how to administer IM injections! It was fun.
Thursday I was in the Operating room. It was pretty awesome! First Surgery I saw was a Hemorrhoidectomy, which is a surgery to remove hemorrhoids. yea. lol. It was pretty interesting. The other 3 were all Liver Biopsy's. there were okay I guess. It was fun to see how surgery works. I must say by the end of the day my feet hurt so stinking bad!!! Agh. It is pretty tough on your feet to stand in one position for hours at a time. Then Today, It was actually really boring lol. By the end of the day there were 6 of us nursing students plus 2 RN's with only 3 patients total lol. So yea, we were bored. I did however get to give my first shot!!! I was really nervous. I have never poked someone with a needle before lol. But it went well! My patient said that she did not even feel it so that made me happy. She did kinda have a fuss tho over my tattoos. I have one on my wrist that I cover up with my watch (cuz its small enough) then I have one on my shoulder that no one ever sees cuz my shirt covers it.. well my patient is a religious woman, and she kept telling me that In the bible it says you do not tattoo your body.. Now, this made me really uncomfortable, mainly because I did not know how to answer her without offending her.. yea.. It was just crazy lol. I ended up telling her that I understand that some people feel that way and its fine, But I have my own faith and am comfortable with the choices I have made (in regards to my tattoos)So yea. that was my week! Tomorrow, a couple girls and I are getting together to study for finals next week :/ BOO!!!! Anywho have a wonderful weekend
Aly :D


Torrie and I in OR :)

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