I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Its no fun being sick..

What a week it has been (and its not even over)... *sigh
So, Monday was the first day back to school.. And i was not there.. LONG story. First off, I have been fighing off a sinus infection, and when I have a sinus infection (Or any infedtion for that matter) My asthma goes crazy! Well Saturday night I ended up having a REALLY REALLY bad and asthma attack. I was in the ER all night.. My O2 sat on room air was 84... So anyone who knows medical stuff knows that that is NOT GOOD at all. I then started to have a panic attack (Which I know does not help at all) But I was freaking out. I have never had an attack that bad.. And I could seriously not get any air in.. My lips were turning blue!! So needless to say I was really freaked out.. Anywho I got it under control(Fianly) and was able to go home. The next day my chest was still tight, and I was getting freaked out thikning I was going to have another attack, so I went back to the ER, and they ended up keeping me in the hospital until today to try and get it under control.. So Im all good now, Just kinda behind in school.. Which makes me unhappy. But what can you do right?!? Tomorrow and Friday I will be in Reno doing stuff for school, AND i need to sign up for classes tomorrow >,< Thanks for all the get well wishes tho. I feel so loved <3 you all are lovely!

Need to calm down and get my butt to bed! Good night Loves..

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