I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friday blogs are back

I actually have something to blog about now..
I started up clinicals again. It is so hard going from a month off of clinicals to three 12 hour cliniacls in a row. My feet are not liking me right now. Anywho! Lets see Wed. we were at the hospital. It was ok i suppose. Nothing to crazy. Gave some meds thats about it. Thursday and Friday we were at one of the nursing homes. It was pretty crazy. I feel like I have gone from 0 to 1000 in like no time. STRESSED is a serious understatement. I really feel like my head might explode. I knew it would be hard, but good gosh. Today I pretty much did paperwork.. I did get to clean a small wound tho so I guess its better than nothing! Next week I'm sure I will bitch alot more seeing as I will have like twice the amount of crap due as I did this week. On a brighter note, next week I turn the big 21. Friday next week after clinicals I think im going out for a drink.. I think im gonna need one! ha :) I need to go start my pile of never ending homework.. Goodnight!

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