I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Saturday, June 18, 2011


It has been way to long. I know, Im sorry. There is just not enough time in the day anymore! I am so crazy busy its ridiculous. Anywho last week was great! It was my 21st birthday on the 9th.. My boyfriend came up and surprised me.. I thought he was coming up Friday and he showed up at my house wednesday night! So that was nice.. I had clinicals tho till friday 12 hours a day but my nursing girls let me leave early on my birthday so i got to enjoy my birthday! We went out to dinner and I ordered my first drink, then after that we went to the casino! I didnt win :/ But thats ok. Adam did! Then Friday I had my first med pass! I was so freaking nervous.... But I did well :)... This week, clinicals were ok. Wednsday I was at the hospital and had a 3 year old, so i got some experience in pediatrics, which I LOVED! Then thursday and friday were same old same old! Its so hard to keep a positive attitude when certain situations are just straight up RIDICULOUS! But that is a different story for a different time. I'm just glad that I have a wonderful group of girls to work with! Makes the day so much better.. This weekend I am catching up on much needed cleaning and homework.. BOO! Have a wonderful weekend, write again next week! xoxo Aly

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