I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Friday, July 8, 2011

What a week...

What a week it has been, and no I do not mean that in a good way at all. I have been super busy... Not sure what the last thing I blogged about was lol So i will just have to start where ever.. Ok so Last week.... Thursday was the first day at the VA, pretty much was just computer training. Next day long story short, I ended up going home cuz I was throwing my guts up. This week was ok. Thursday and Friday we were at the VA in Reno, actual patient care this time which is amazing! I love it way to much there. I get this feeling that I really can not explain when I work there. I think it just has to do with the fact that these men and women have done so much for us, and I get to pay my respects to them, weather it be bringing them a cup of coffee or sharing a few stories. It is really amazing. This week also has been one of the most crazy drama filled weeks i have had since like Jr high, no joke. I feel its really sad that I have had to adapt to the attitude of " Me, Myself, and I". I am the total opposite of that, yet I feel like there is really no one I think I could honestly trust to have my back, which really is sad. I learned alot about people that I would have never guessed. Saw peoples true colors. Learned who has been fake all along, and I was to dumb to realize... Sigh. I think I should not go into that mess. This weekend I was also going to spend it with my love, but an even longer story short it didnt happen... Its just been a crap filled week and I am SOO happy its Friday and that I get to sleep in tomorrow morning. On a much MUCH brighter note, 5 more months till I am done, AND 5 more Weeks till I get a much needed Mini Vacation... I think Its bed time. Im way to tired to be blogging right now... Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. We are very proud of you Alyssa. You've always had the kindest heart and a care free attitude that we all came to know you by. I'm sorry you had to adopt a new attitude to cope with recent struggles, just please don't have it for too long. We liked you just the way you were. Maybe go back to that eventually with a sprinkle of wisdom added in just for good measure and VIOLA! The perfect Lyssa we all love!

    Love Josh, Christina, Logan and Mason.
