I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Thursday, November 10, 2011

If looks could kill..

I'm going to rant a little bit because its my blog and i can!! If looks could kill, I would be dead like 10 times over! I guess some people don't like to be told to suck it up and just do your dang job :) My bad. I think the more I go on with nursing school, the more I come off as a "bitch". Mainly because I just really don't care anymore. I have come to realize that you cant please everyone, and people are juust gonna try and run over you, hurt you, make up lies about you, and really don't give a crap about you and I'm done trying to be everyones friend when all that happens is it comes back to bite me in the butt! It's funny how people complain about EVERY SINGLE thing that people do wrong and never ever acknowledge anything they do right, and then when they try and to fix what everyone else was bitching about, they complain! Really get over yourself. Life is not fair my friend, get a helmet! So I have just been doing whats best for me and piss on everyone else and let me tell you that I feel so much happier and better in the long run for not caring what everyone else thinks, geezzeeee! Anyways enough with my little rant...
This week was interesting.
Lets see Monday was Med/Surg and Pediatrics. Nothing abnormal. Tuesday was Maternity. Nothing abnormal. Wednesday, I was going to have clinical, finish up leadership, but for some reason got the day off?!?! Today I was in the ER, saw some everyday stuff and some not so everyday stuff. 17 month old with seizures :/, A-fib, headache, abdominal pian, weakness, nausea and vomiting. Yup. That was about it. Tomorrow we have off. So this weekend I plan on getting an oil change, write my child abuse paper (yuck!) and other school stuff. have a wonderful weekend dear readers and remember to thank the veterans for all of their blood, sweat, tears, and sacrifice for the U S of A! :) Aly xoxo

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