I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Monday, December 12, 2011

Very last week of nursing school

Well friends it is my very last week of nuring school. I am so excited. Tomorrow is my last final and then I am done-zo! Whoo hoo. What a year it has been. So many ups and downs, twist and turns, and a fare share of bumps in the road, but I am proud to say that I made it! Not alone of course. Thankful to my mom who helped me and pushed me when I needed a kick in my but, Thankful for my amazing boyfriend who listened to my every moan, groan, complaints, tears, happiness. For telling me he knew I would make it when I thought I never would. To my one bff in the class who stood by me when thing got hard and everyone turned their backs, Im thankful we could get starbucks and talk about "those girls". Thank you for scratching my back and always know that I will scratch yours! It really is kinda bitter sweet to end this chapter. I find myself thinking, "Okay whats next?". Hopefuly nothing but great things.
Today was my medsurg final. I was really stressing about it. I had a tough time in that class for some reason. So I neeed to score pretty high on my final in order to pass the class. But Lucky for me I scored really high, got an A, and had an over all grade of 82% in the class. We also had our last pediatric test, and because I have done so well this past semester I could miss every single question on the final and still passed the class so that was a nice feeling knowing that I didnt have to stress!! Today, my reward to myself for doing so well and going all year without quting, smaking someone silly, and making it thru the progrm, I went and got my nails done with my bff! Its been forever since I have had them because in the program you cant have nails :/ Blah so yay me! ( I am having to re learn to text and type, so if there are a ton of typos and extra letters Im sorry :p ) lol
Tomorrow is the last final and then grad practice. So don't worry my friends I will have a blog up after graduation with pics and all!
Next Time I blog I will be a graduate of lassen college nursing program! WOOO HOOOOOO :)
Aly xoxxo

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