I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Time flys when your having fun

I'm horrible. I have not blogged in forever. In my defense tho, its hard adjusting to life as a new nurse. So let me start off by saying I LOVE being a nurse. I have been working just over a month now and I love it! I sill get nervous sometimes, I still have alot to learn, but I can't see myself being anything other then what I am. In the last month I have had to deal with sone interesting things! I am not gonna lie, my first week was overwhelming. I had a lot thrown at me fast. I was asking myslef "Can I really do this?" but after a good cry, a phone call to my mother, and some chocolate, I picked myself back up and moved on. I had my first experience dealing with State. (Those of you in the medical field understand how scary the word "State" is) but I work in a wonderful facility and we passed with flying colors! My most interesting thing so far was inserting a foley cath by flashlight! lol. It was night time, and the lights in the room didn't work, so the CNA and I improvised! haha. I have learned alot and I must say I feel so much more confident than I did in nursing school. I work with wonderful staff who helped me so much, and for that I am so greatful. For all of you nurses out there, I know you will understnad when I say, Being a nurse is the most rewarding feeling. Knowing that you are making a difference no matter how small or big, is such a powerful feeling! I am so glad I found my passion in life. I know I couldn't have gotten this far without the good Lord, my family, the love of my life, and all my friends along the way! I will try and get on and blog more, but just know that I am good, and that my job is so rad!! xoxo Aly

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