I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Worlds Worst Blogger

I should be named "The Worlds Wrost Blogger" lol, I update this thing like monthly and not every week like I planned. Its fuuny, In nursing school I had way less time to blog yet I did it every week, now I'm just lazy I guess. That and the fact my life was exciting then! Bahaha. SO lets see. Work is good. I have been working as a nurse now just over 2 months, but it feels so much longer. I have learned SOOO much more working then I did in nursing school, yet I kinda figured that. I still learn new things evey time I work. I had my first experience changing a super pubic catheter, kind of freaked me out, only because I had never done it before. I have done quite a few foley caths but never a superpubic. I have also given more suppositories anyone should ever have to ( haha that is a bit of an exaggeration lol. I had to deal with the tough part of nursing, Death. Which was no fun. Its hard to find the right things to say to a family member who is losing a loved one. IF any one has any tips on how to handle that without crying like a baby (which I almost did) that would be great! I have just been learning new ways to improve my practice! I really do love being a nurse. Outside of my job is not really to exciting! My brother did leave for boot camp in July and I get to go see him graduate boot camp next month! I am so excited!!! There have been alot of fires up here in Norcal as well. The air quality is just BAD! But that has been life lately. What an exciting life I live, I know :p. I will try and blog more often :) See ya later! Aly xoxo

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