I wanna Live Life From a New Perspective

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Go me

Nursing really does have it's challenges! I realize this more and more, yet I am still in love with what I do. It's such a great feeling going to work knowing that its not JUST my job, its my lifestyle. I get this alot. People ask me all the time, "So when did you know you wanted to be a nurse?". The answer is easy. Since my early teens. Granted I didn't take it as serious in the start, but as I got older (16 to be exact) I knew that that was the job I wanted to do. So here I am 6 years later, living my dream. I do plan to go back to school next semester and finish up my classes so I can apply for RN school. As of now i'm just taking it one day at a time! Work has been good. Still learning new things (always will!). I am becoming more confident in my work and i'm not second guessing myself as much. I even started training new people. ( I guess that means i'm doing good?!?!) My Critical thinking skills are sharp as a tack! I remember in nursing school, how my instructors always preached about critical thinking and how vital it is to pay attention to the details. I understand completly now! I have had quite a few "critical" episodes the past few weeks, resulting in me calling EMS on 3 different occasions. Thankfuly all 3 patients were fixed up and ok! I have also had my fare share of unstable diabetics ( scary at times), but I am learning, and quite well I think, on how to handle serious situations and turning something potently bad into something stable! (Go me :p ) I'm leraing my role as being a leader and practicing good leadership skills. I am learning how to deal with doctors ( those of you who are nurses understand how mean and difficult some dr.s can be). All in all I am just learning, becoming a more confident and educated nurse! I really do love my job and look forward to eventually spreading my wings and seeing what the world of nursing has to offer me, and what I have to offer to the world of nursing! Aly xoxo

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